Kolbe Catholic College has provided many highlights in 2023 but for me to be part of my first Kolbe Feast Day was a truly special experience. Not only was it the blessing of the College’s St. Maximillian Kolbe Statue and installation of the magnificent time capsule but it was another opportunity to see all students embrace what it means to belong the wider College community.

Kolbe’s Feast Day showed what it was like for all students to be involved in a special occasion. Mass was celebrated reverently and attentively with three co-celebrants, then the House activities provided an opportunity for challenge but in a fun, supporting environment with all points contributing towards the Feast Day House Champion award which this year went to Romero House. The highlights continued with Kolbe’s Got Talent and wow what an experience! Not only did the audience cheer and support for all performers but the performers themselves were amazing, whether it was singing, dancing, rapping, playing instruments or as I found out, performing magic acts!! The Masked Staff member even showed a few hidden talents, including yours truly!

The last month in Term Three has celebrated a number of Learning Areas as well as Mental Health Week. Again, I commend the commitment of students to come together and be involved in many of these fun activities. The Taco making for Food Technology was a big hit, as was Science week with its cool and crazy ‘science stuff’ including the rocket launching. In Health and PE week the Breakfast Bar on Sport Colours Day was well participated which culminated in the Staff v Student Basketball Game where the students reigned supreme. A huge crowd cheered on the reasonable efforts from staff as the students showed what they were made of.

The last week of term raised awareness for Mental Health and incorporated R U Ok Day. Staff and students participated in a number of awareness activities including a Walk For Mental Health, conversation corner and of course the yellow increased the awareness of Mental Health support for all.

I wish all the year 12s a small break over the holidays as they prepare for their end of year activities and VCE exam period. Good luck to all.

Mr Cameron Whitford
Deputy Principal – Students

From the Deputy Principal: Staff


From the Deputy Principal: Learning & Teaching