For staff and students, the last weeks of Semester One have brought both endings and new beginnings.

Weeks six and seven of this Term saw students in Year 8 - 11 undertake exams covering their learning so far this year. These examinations provided students with the opportunity to practice and refine their study skills and put the hard work during class into practice. I would like to congratulate all students on their approach to examinations and their dedication to their studies so far this year.

These recent examinations provide a great opportunity for students to reflect on what worked well, and how they can change and improve their approach to studies moving forward. I encourage all parents and carers to start a conversation with their children about what their exam experience has shown them about their strengths, and effective strategies put in place in preparation for these final assessments.

For students in Year 10, Work Experience during week eight for many was a week of new beginnings and experiences. Work Experience has provided many Year 10 students with an insight into adult life, the expectations of the workplace and a window into what lies ahead as they begin planning for their senior studies and beyond.

At the conclusion of this Term, all students began working in their Semester Two classes. For some, this meant the chance to start a new subject, work with a different group of peers and teachers or just simply the beginnings of a new topic in class.

Congratulations to all of our students and staff on a first six months filled with hard work, dedication and growth.

I wish you all the best over the break and look forward to seeing all of our students again in two weeks refreshed and ready to take on the second half of the year.

Adam Gonzalez
Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching

From the Deputy Principal: Staff


From the Deputy Principal: Operations