Invite Us Deeper

Almighty and ever living God,
you invite us deeper into your world, your people, your Lent.
May this time be one of outward focus;
seeking you in those we often ignore.
Help us live a Lent focused on freedom, generosity, and encounter.
Give us hearts hungry to serve you,
and those who need, what we have to give.


Our College Community gathered online to celebrate Ash Wednesday and the commencement of Lent 2022. The theme for Lent is to LIVE LENT: Be the change you want to see in the world and walk the way of Gospel.

Many of the College’s upcoming Faith and Community events reflect this theme.

March 2

The Liturgical Season of Lent begins
Ash Wednesday
House Project Compassion drive commence

March 7 - 8Year 11 Daytime Retreat
March 9Romero House Feast Day
March 13 - 20Catholic Education Week
March 17St Patrick’s Day School Mass

As we walk the Lenten Journey together for the remainder of this Term let us focus on letting go of things that block our spiritual development and replace these with life giving choices and actions.

The Importance of Teaching Social Emotional Learning in a Catholic School.

In Catholic schools, spiritual engagement permeates all dimensions of life and learning. Children and young people are invited to engage with the story of Jesus Christ and deepen their encounter with God, shaping their identity and making meaning in their lives. In dialogue with the Catholic faith, all children and young people are encouraged to engage their ‘head, heart and hands’ in Christian ministry and service to strengthen their encounter with God and develop a sense of the Spirit at work.

Social and emotional learning is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions” according to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL).

By incorporating social and emotional learning methodologies and authentic teachings of the Catholic church, SEL provides children with the tools to become more self- and socially- aware, develop relationship skills, and practice responsible and moral decision making.

Social-Emotional Learning is important. Knowing and controlling oneself, relating to others, and making good choices are elements of the two great commandments: to lobe God and to love our neighbour. Teaching students to live life to the fullest; to be the very best version of themselves; to treat all people with respect and human dignity are truly Christian values and part of God’s dream for us.

Ideas collated by Caith Malone
Director of Faith and Community

From the Principal


Operations, Learning and Teaching