Respectful Relationships Update

The Purpose of SEL and RR

Kolbe Catholic College is excited to introduce the Respectful Relationships Program (RRP) that will be delivered in Pastoral Care in the 2022 school calendar year. The RRP program is a Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program that is proven to improve academic outcomes and social relationships as well as benefit personal wellbeing.

SEL learning began in 1994 and was intended to combine student wellbeing and academic outcomes. Since then SEL has provided evidence that recognises its value within Education. SEL prides itself on its evidence based research to achieve results.

Upon recent analysis of schools that incorporate a SEL approach, some outcomes have shown that:

  • When incorporated correctly, SEL increases academic achievement by 11%
  • Strategies that are taught in SEL lessons improve classroom behaviour and increase effective stress management
  • Interventions of SEL improve a learner's state of well being

The RRP is based on 5 frameworks

  1. Self-awareness: The ability to recognise one's strengths and limitations.
  2. Self-management: One's capacities to manage stress and delay gratification and feel motivated to achieve goals.
  3. Social-Awareness: Feeling compassion towards others and understanding broader community aspects.
  4. Relationship skills: Establish and maintain healthy relationships
  5. Responsible decision-making: Make constructive choices considering ethical standards and safety concerns.

SEL programs in schools provide students with an opportunity to actively build on these skills, however, young people also consolidate their skills in these areas by observing the behaviours of parents, friends, siblings and other influential figures. SEL is best supported when schools, families and communities work together to provide a consistent message.

The school as an institution can further reinforce this learning by creating a community culture that supports the topics and skills being taught in the classroom. A culture that is committed to fostering a sense of belonging and safety and reflects the key messages of acceptance and respect that underpins SEL content allows students a safe space to practice skills on a day to day basis.

All of this can be further supported by keeping families involved in the process, allowing students to transfer skills into the home. Parents can also be great models of behaviours that students are learning about in their classes.

Here is a few examples of how you can implement the Responsible Decision Making framework at home:

  • Look for opportunities to offer choices. You can help your child practice making responsible decisions by offering them a few safe choices, then allowing them to make the final decision. For example, younger children can be asked, “Would you like to brush your teeth before your bath or after?” Or “Would you like to do your homework before bed or while you eat breakfast tomorrow?” Older children can be offered choices like “You will need to be at school tomorrow by 7:30. Make a list of all the things you’ll need to do before we leave, then let me know what time you think you should wake up so that you have time to do all the things on your list.”
  • Help your child develop a healthy self-image through supportive inner self-talk. The language you use can help shape your child’s sense of identity. “If you weren’t so lazy, this wouldn’t have happened” might seem like a harmless comment, but it could cause your child to start believing that they really are a lazy person. Sarcasm can also be misunderstood by children. Try using words that encourage a growth mindset, such as: “It’s important to learn from this situation. What can you try next time this happens?”

SEL sets young people up to form respectful, supportive relationships in both their professional and personal lives. These skills can help us in forming strong connections with others, working collaboratively, enforcing personal boundaries and understanding oneself better. All of these outcomes work towards a higher quality of life.

Please keep an eye out for further communication on SEL and Respectful Relationships through our weekly spotlight series on Facebook and direct message.

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