Advent is that time of the year when we prepare to welcome Jesus into the world and our lives again. His arrival changes the world forever, it is God's greatest gift to his people. At this time, we acknowledge the preparations for Jesus’ birth and count down to His coming. We do this by lighting candles on an Advent wreath. This prayer is a blessing of the Advent wreath as the first candle is lit.

Lord our God,

We praise you for your Son, Jesus Christ:

He is Emmanuel, the hope of the peoples,

He is the wisdom that teaches and guides us,

He is the Savior of every nation.

Lord God,

Let your blessing come upon us

As we light the candles of this wreath.

May the wreath and its light

be a sign of Christ’s promise to bring us salvation.

May He come quickly and not delay.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


As we come to the conclusion of the 2023 academic year, we take a moment to reflect on the recent faith filled events of Kolbe Catholic College.

Our Year 11 students concluded their penultimate year of VCE by celebrating mass together, presided over by Fr. Dishan of The Church of the Good Shepherd. It was a wonderful occasion to gather as a year level in a sacred way before departing for their Christmas holidays.

Our Year 8 students were involved in a reflection day grounded in the Parable of the Good Samaritan, asking students to reflect on ‘who is their neighbour?’. After spending some time with this parable students participated in social justice activities before hearing from MacKillop Family Services about their work and encouraging students to think of others, especially at this time of year.

The academic year was concluded for our Year 7-9 students with an Advent liturgy, exploring meaningful stories related to Jesus’ birth, as well as the meaning of Advent. I would like to congratulate the students for the respectful way they engaged in this liturgical celebration.

Before our staff conclude for the year, we will gather for a spirituality day, taking time to be nourished by theological experts and also engage in social justice outreach. We will engage in sessions led by Br. Elio Capra SDB and Fr. Tony Fox OFMConv. To explore Catholic symbolism, our Franciscan Charism and the significance of our Patron, St. Maximilian Kolbe. The day will conclude with staff engaging with various organisations that provide care and essential services for those in our community. We are grateful to be able to engage in our Catholic values both intellectually and by being in service, just as Our Lord and Saviour requests.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the students and staff who have been involved in our celebrations and reflection days this year by reading, singing or helping with other duties on these days. I would also like to offer my profound gratitude to all the staff who assisted with the preparations of our sacred gatherings, without their help, these events are not the successes they have been.

Finally, I wish all our staff, students and their families a safe and blessed Christmas. I look forward to working with you all in the new year.

Peace and blessings!

Rob Dellar
Director of Faith & Community

Deputy Principal: Operations


Careers Update