I'd like to congratulate the graduating class of 2023 on their efforts - many students achieved outstandingly to gain their desired pathway for 2024 and beyond. I wish them every success on this next journey in their life.

2024 will be another exciting and explorative year in the Careers Department at Kolbe Catholic College. Our year 12s will meet with Ms Williams to discuss their pathways, be it work or study, beyond 2024. Year 10s and 11s will discover if their subject choices offer the best options for their desired pathway. Students will have the opportunity to attend Careers Expo excursions, Try a Trade and meet with employers and industry experts, across many year levels.

This year, work experience for year 10s is no longer compulsory, but highly encouraged. Students can utilise the school holidays for placement time or gain permission to complete a weeks placement during the school term, for desired industries.

I am excited to have Ms Angelovski join the careers department - Ms Angelovski has just recently completed her Graduate Certificate in Careers Education, thus enabling more qualified access for our students.

If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out, during school hours to Ms Williams via email, phone or SEQTA.

2023 Destination Data

Debra Williams
Coordinator: Careers & Pathways (VET)

Student Leaders: Officially Inducted into Service


Curriculum Leader (Years11&12)